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A member registered Mar 03, 2017

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I have a suggestion for your store page, there are barely any tags for your  game. Adding tags like pixel graphics, rogue-like, base building, and management would help people find your game. The only reason I found your game is because I am always eyeing the Upcoming tab for Steam.

(1 edit)

After many trials of this game, I finally made to the ascension phase. I have never realized how important healers were until my last run.  The only issue I have with this game is the AI.

My healers will run past my soldiers in order to just heal me, derp, healers should prioritize safety over my health. The occasional soldier that thinks he can 1 v 10 a bunch of enemies is an issue as well.

There should also be a minimum idol statue count as well. On one run, my map only had 2 statues. Maybe a 4-5 minimum would be great. I like the fact that you can occasionally get unique followers from the idols.

What I think the game needs is more interactivity in the maps. The idol offering, and the digging up treasure are cool things to do. Maybe have towers guarded by enemies that house unique followers that are to be rescued.

Overall, great game. I hope this game picks up more traction down the line.